Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 3 : Cleansing Your Body and Emotions

Loving the green juice!

Doing a cleanse doesn't only mean you're detoxing your body. It also can be detoxing for your emotions. When we use food (junk or even good foods) as a numbing agent to help us cope with daily stress, it can and will come up when you cleanse. It's really not as bad as it may sound, it can really help with gaining your health and a sound mind. Don't be surprised if cleaning your body inspires you to clean other areas of your life...your house, your job and finding what you love. Detoxing can help you find your passion and remind you what's truly important. Welcome anything that surfaces once you ride through it (drink more juice and purified water to get it to move faster), you'll be surprised what amazing things will appear! 

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