Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Breakfast - Day 16

 Organic Green Juice - Lacinato Kale, Parsley, Romaine, Cucumbers, Celery, Lemon and Ginger. YUM!

Valentine's Day Treat

What does someone do on day 11 of a juice fast when Valentine's Day comes along? Made a special juice (Sean & I avoid juicing fruits, so this is definitely a treat). Organic grapefruit strawberry "mojitos" (w/lime & mint and a hint of organic stevia to sweeten it up).   Who says we can't be romantic for lunch at our store?! LOL!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, Feb. 3rd, 2014 Day 1 Juice Cleanse

This morning's organic green juice: (for 2)
1 organic lemon
1 inch organic ginger
3 organic English cucumbers
1 head organic Romaine (from Trader Joe's)
1/2 pkg organic Power Green's from Trader Joe's (baby kale, spinach, chard)
1 1/2 pkg organic celery (from Trader Joe;s)

add in's: organic stevia and liquid HU Minerals (and in mine organic pumpkin spice)

Lunch is the same juice, too. :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 3 : Cleansing Your Body and Emotions

Loving the green juice!

Doing a cleanse doesn't only mean you're detoxing your body. It also can be detoxing for your emotions. When we use food (junk or even good foods) as a numbing agent to help us cope with daily stress, it can and will come up when you cleanse. It's really not as bad as it may sound, it can really help with gaining your health and a sound mind. Don't be surprised if cleaning your body inspires you to clean other areas of your life...your house, your job and finding what you love. Detoxing can help you find your passion and remind you what's truly important. Welcome anything that surfaces once you ride through it (drink more juice and purified water to get it to move faster), you'll be surprised what amazing things will appear! 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 2

The extra add in's for today's juices : breakfast - parsley
                lunch - spinach
dinner - arugula, green onion, yellow & orange bell pepper.

It was a hot day in Vegas, so we made sure to drink lots of water & some herbal iced skinny bliss tea! Summer is the best time for a juice cleanse! 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 1 of a Month Juicing Cleanse

Sean and I are starting a 1 month juice fast today. He didn't quite meet his goal on the last juice fast we did for 2 months in April and May, so were going to do this until he does, could be a month might be less. I'm going on it with him for support. I'm going to try to get on here daily and let you know what's happening.

We both woke up this morning looking forward to starting this juice cleanse. I find the more juice cleanses the easier it can be.

Here's the base of our juices (I wrote this to a friend in an email, so that's why it's written this way):

Here’s our breakfast & lunch ORGANIC green juice (ideally you should yield a 32 oz juice)

One (or half if too tart for you) lemon
1 slice off an organic ginger (do as much as you would like)
Cucumbers (I’ve been getting the packages of Persian cucumbers from Trader Joe’s) 1 package per serving
Celery (Whole foods has them for $1.99 right now, one bunch per serving) (or if you get them from Trader Joe’s one package of the 2 bunches for the juice)
Romaine lettuce (I usually get the 3 head package from Trader Joe’s and use 1 head per juice)
My add-on to this are: organic stevia to taste and organic pumpkin spice. If you want to add an apple until your taste buds change, you can.

For our dinner savory ORGANIC juice:

One (or half if too tart for you) lemon
2 large tomatoes or 3 roma tomatoes
Zucchini (1/2 package from Trader Joe’s per serving)
Red bell pepper 1/2 large or 1 small
Romaine (1 head from Trader Joe’s bag)
Arugula or spinach (for flavor) 1 or 2 handfuls
Celery (1 bunch from Whole Foods or 1 package from Trader Joe’s)
My add-on to this: Real Salt or Himalayan salt to taste, Garlic powder or granules and cayenne to taste and 1 Tbsp hemp oil or Udo’s 3-6-9 oil.

Make with LOVE! J Enjoy!

My “Master Cleanse” lemonade
3 organic lemons squeezed in a half gallon of purified water, sprinkle in organic cayenne to taste, organic stevia to taste, and 12 drops Cellfood.

My in between tea – Organic Yerba Mate instant tea by Ancient Wisdom with Sweetleaf Stevia drops in Vanilla flavor and English Toffee flavor to taste.

I also have a glass of Health Force Elixir of the Lake blue-green algae…ton’s of nutrition and great for cleansing and an late afternoon pick me up.

I've also been drinking our SkinnyBliss tea

And if you’re not overloaded with liquids, plenty of purified water to flush out toxins. J

That’s what we’ve been doing for this juice fast.

Tonight's juice also had arugula, fresh basil, yellow and orange bell peppers.
See you tomorrow!